Wednesday, February 01, 2006


pay attention to this. very close attention.

Viktor Shklovsky, from "Knight's Move":

"Like air with raindrops, life is permeated with other lives, other worlds.
One wheel is turning and intersecting with another wheel. The machine is working in another machine.
This cannot be, yet it is. You know it yourself.
Twisted into another world, my wife lies there and sleeps, not knowing that I have committed an offense in a third world.

Our life is being woven on a strange loom. The threads in it crisscross.

When the fabric is taken from the loom, we see something strange: not the fabric and not something resembling a bridge and not something resembling an airplane, but a wheel working where there is already a wheel working at a different angle, like life, pierced by other lives, like air pierced by rain.

Perhaps our life itself is like rain piercing another life.

Solid is the ceiling over my head."

Shhhh... now you must say something in order to close the frame.

(photo: nick kilroy)


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